Wednesday 25 March 2015

Easter = Update!

Hi julle almal! :) (English below)

Net 'n vinnige update...

Ons staan tans op 20 800 eiers in die Kaap (dit wat ek kon koop uit die geld wat ek ontvang het, en mense wat reeds by my afgelaai het)!!

Worcester het 'n fantastiese 1 634 eiers ingesamel, wat hulle in staat stel om 3 organisasies in en om Worcester te bless...

'n ONGELOOFLIKE groot dankie vir elkeen wat donasies gemaak het (fisies, geld, of hulle tyd om te help pakkies maak).

Die skole is toe vir die eerste week in April, so op aanvraag van 'n paar mense, sal ons die "deadline extend" tot einde van die eerste week in April om eiers in te samel.  Ek sal dan in kontak wees met die mense wat gese het hulle wil help uitdeel - en sorg dat ons die eiers by jou uitkry.

Investec bank

A Hugo
Branch: 580105
Ref: Jou naam & (Easter) (Ek wil graag weet vir wie om te bedank - so moet asb nie anoniem dit doen nie)
Mag julle 'n AWESOME daggie he!
anel xx
Hi all,
Quick update!
We are currently on 20 800 Eggs in the Cape, (this is what I could purchase and would people have already brought me).
Worcester are on 1 634 eggs - which is FANTASTIC (for the first time we are running it there)...  They are able to bless 3 institutions with these donations!!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank EVERY one who made a contribution so far...  Be it your time, physical contribution, or your time by making packets...  It is TRULY appreciated!!!
Please note - the first week of April is school holidays, and a few people has asked for extension until that is over.  We will therefore be collecting till the end of the first week in April.
Investec bank

A Hugo
Branch: 580105
Ref: Jou naam & (Easter) (Please put your name in!)
Have a blessed day!!
anel xx

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